Monday, July 21, 2008

SPIN list and Sad News

As promised here is the playlist from my class tonight. I was working on it and finessing it until around 4 this afternoon.

Songs 1 and 2 were warmup
Songs 3,5,78,10,12,14,15 were anaerobic intervals
Songs 4,6,,9,11,13 were recovery
Songs 16 and 17 were Cool Down

Competitor dies during New York City triathlon

Found the story on today at work. Not a good year with a guy also dieing in an Iowa race a few weeks back. Puts things in perspective...though I still want to do the race in Mass. with the ocean swim. It just adds a sense of adventure to the whole thing, I mean the worst your going to probably get in a lake is some bacteria. Next year I am looking for Iron Man: Amazon ...with Piranhas. race rule: you must cut yourself before entering the water...I am sure there will be some records set.

Ok enough off to bed with me ... 4:30 comes early...yes WE ARE CRAZY!!!

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